
part of  family

Thank you Sigma for the Trophy:

deletedalmost 12 years
+k returned dearie!
almost 12 years
Please try to hammer my fucking townreads a little less.
almost 12 years
+k'ed to 14 karma please return lol.
almost 12 years
returned at 10, ty!
deletedalmost 12 years
I have to find them later when I'm on my computer. Because of server crashes & the 7 day limit, we had about 5 or 6 remakes. The total amount of days was 17.
deletedalmost 12 years
+ked to 7!
almost 12 years
+k'ed back
almost 12 years
Returned, ty! :D
deletedalmost 12 years
I think we can safely say that you have the longest profile on EM
almost 12 years
dude it'll be like gameception with a game made about a game made about a game. You are blowing my mind right now :o!
deletedalmost 12 years
Fine. Neg redacted.
deletedalmost 12 years
Negged for having too many favorite setups. And for hating on my family member, WarGeoff. And for your extra chromosome.
almost 12 years
Friend request also sent because you *didn't* end up gunning for me at the end and were an honest Spy. Sorry again!
almost 12 years
+K'd because I was an ass for backstabbing you. If we meet again in the future you have my word I'll won't repeat (tbh I was half expecting a backstab from you myself when he wasn't hammering, heh).
deletedalmost 12 years
thnx :D
deletedalmost 12 years
Kudo me? Please? (+k bribe ;P)
deletedabout 12 years
That's fine. Next time, just ask the for help to avoid that from happening.
deletedabout 12 years Speaking in a game doesn't just count as talking. You have to talk about things that pertain to the game.
about 12 years
That was perfect! +k for being awesome